Monday, May 16, 2011

Butter Chicken

Butter Chicken or Murgh Makhani is an Indian dish, popular all around the world. The origins of Butter Chicken can be traced back to Delhi, during the period of the Mughal Empire. According to a documentary by the Discovery Channel, butter chicken was invented by a person working in a famous restaurat called Moti Mahal. Famed for its Tandori Chicken, the chefs used to recylcle their leftover chicken juices in the marinade trays by adding butter and tomato. This sauce was then mixed with tandoor-cooked chicken pieces and it was finally ready! Indians first prime minister, Jawahlal Nehru, when asked about his favorite things about India, he replied "The Taj Mahal and Moti Mahal"

1 comment:


    Website used for butter chicken information!
